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Visits to the nest of Baldio da Amareleja have reached the end!
7 February 2011

On February 3 we concluded the school visits to Baldio da Amareleja, where students from the regions of Moura, Mourão and Barrancos had the opportunity to see a real artificial nest for black vulture!

Since November 2010, CEAI, under the scope of Habitat Lince Abutre LIFE project, performed 30 environmental activities for 34 classes of the municipalities of Évora and Beja, enabling about 646 children, from pre-scholar to the 9th grade, to know better the Iberian lynx and the black vulture. During the visit to Baldio da Amareleja, students were taught to evaluate habitat suitability and identify animal species through tracks and signs left in the field. At the end of the journey, they reached one of the conservation actions foreseen in the project – an artificial nest for black vulture – learning its purpose and building process. This was the first of three activities to be performed with local schools, presenting them the project, the species and the type of work environmental associations perform.

In spring we’ll start classroom activities, where students will be taught the characteristics and ecological needs of the species, through a huge and funny floor game, through which they will be challenged to overcome obstacles and answer questions so that the vulture and the lynx can reach the end of the journey safely!



                                                                                                                              © Estrela Matilde