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Working meeting with Municipal Veterinaries of the Project’s area
4 April 2011

Considering the relevance of the veterinary component in LIFE Habitat Lince Abutre, the team of General-Directorate of Veterinary Services (DGV) promoted a meeting with the municipal veterinaries of the counties covered by the Natura 2000 network areas (SPA, pSCI) of the regions of Mourão, Moura and Barrancos and Guadiana Valley, where the project is ongoing.
One of this meeting’s purposes was to publicize the project, namely the actions in which veterinary medicine plays an important role:
- Evaluation of the sanitary status of domestic and wild fauna that share pathologies and potential habitat with the Iberian lynx
- Elaboration of a poison mitigation plan at the regional scale
- Veterinary support of feeding stations for Black Vulture

The support of municipal veterinaries in these actions brings numerous advantages to the project, enabling not only its disclosure among local landowners, cattle ranchers and hunters, with whom these veterinaries have always worked, well as a better articulation and synergy, for instance, in the exchange of information (e.g. reports of poisoning) and cooperation in sample collection.

This first meeting took place on March 30th, at Garducho’s Biological Station, gathering professionals from the counties of Mourão, Moura, Barrancos and Mértola and technicians of DGV, LPN and CEAI assigned to the project. The next meeting is targeted at the municipal veterinaries of the counties covered by Caldeirão pSCI and will take place later this month.