The actions of this project are being implemented in the Southeast of Portugal, in the sub-regions of the Central Alentejo (southeastern tip) and Low-Alentejo and in the region of Algarve, more specifically in the Natura 2000 Network areas of Mourão, Moura and Barrancos, Guadiana Valley and Caldeirão Hills.
The conservation actions targeted at the Iberian lynx are ongoing in the three areas of intervention of the project, while the actions targeted at the conservation of the Black Vulture are only ongoing at the areas of Mourão, Moura and Barrancos and Guadiana Valley.
About the Natura 2000 Network…
The Natura 2000 Network is a net of protected areas in the European Union’s Community Space, resultant from the implementation of the Birds Directive (Directive nº 79/409/CEE), on the protection of wild birds, and the Habitats Directive (Directive nº 92/43/CEE), on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. These Directives establish the basis of the EU Nature Conservation Policy, aiming the protection and conservation of wild species and natural habitats of Europe.
The Natura 2000 Network objective is to contribute to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity through the conservation of these natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, ensuring them a favorable conservation status, in compatibility with human activities, aiming a sustainable management in both an ecological, economical and social perspective.
For such, the Natura 200 Network is constituted by Special Protection Areas (SPA, Decree-law 384-B/99, of 23rd September) to the conservation of rare and vulnerable bird species included in the Annex I of the Birds Directive, as well as of regularly occurring migratory species not mentioned in this annex, and by Sites of Community Importance (SCI, Decree-law 140/99, of 24th April), to the conservation of natural habitats and species of flora and fauna included in the annexes of the Habitats Directive.